Earlier this month, one of my friends posted on all social media sites that she was taking the 30 Day Challenge from social media. In my mind, I applauded her!
I've taken "social media breaks" pretty often since the MySpace days. Then, as more and more sites became popular and I tried to stay on the edge of all the new trends for my job, I realized how consumed we all are with tweeting that and instagramming that.
It wasn't until January of this year, that I realized why that practice was so important and I was so glad I had done it.
1. Time Waster: Once we became consumed with caring for Jace full-time and focusing on his treatment, our jobs and our girls, we didn't have any extra time to waste. Sure it was good to read through our timeline and "escape" our reality, but we soon learned reading about everyone else's "perfect" days was exhausting.
2. Unnecessary Annoyances: It is fascinating to me that we all love being on social media and yet at the same time we can be so annoyed with the things we read on there. There's only so many times you can see photos of babies doing the same thing, read about the number of times someone works out, or covet someone else's dinner. For me, particularly, it's very difficult to read people complain about such trivial and small things of daily life, especially this year. I'm sure people are just as annoyed with me about all of my posts of gratitude. ;)
3. Harmful to Self Image: Comparison is the biggest thief of our happiness. Social media is such a place that encourages this comparison. As humans, it's DIFFICULT to not compare ourselves anyway: they make more money, they have a nicer car/house, their kids are cuter, they are skinnier, their family photos are better, they got to go on a vacation. And then with the comparison, usually comes criticism. Criticism says way more about you than it ever does about the person you're criticizing.
4. Neglecting Those in Front of You: While it's good to connect with other people all over the world, and it can create a supportive environment at times, social media can create an environment where you're also neglecting those loved ones right in front of you. The world today is already really busy and we get caught up in bouncing from activity to activity to activity and then bed and repeat usually 6 days a week. When are we taking time to sit face to face with those we love the most?
5. Only A Moment in Time: Your social media life probably isn't 100% reflective of your real life. We choose to share only a moment of time or a small window of what the rest of our days entail. What people think they know about me from this blog, my Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter accounts, isn't a complete knowledge of me. Knowing me on social media ISN'T the same thing as knowing me in person.
Once again, I find myself needing and seeking solitude and silence.
We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. ~ Mother Teresa
I've decided to begin my own 30 Day Challenge. I cannot think of a better time than right before, during and after Christmas. Our goal this year has been to simplify. We simplified decor, schedules, gifts, and celebrations.
So, I took the plunge this week and deleted my Facebook app from my phone. I turned off all notifications on my phone and won't be scrolling through any feeds. I'll only be updating, periodically, on Jace's progress on his websites (found above) and you may catch a Christmas photo on Instagram or maybe a random blog here. You can also email, text, or call if it's urgent! :)
This time with my family is precious and as the anniversary of Jace's diagnosis peeks closer, I know that the less noise in my head, the better. The more silence and solitude I find, the more I grow and learn.
I challenge YOU to take time away if only for a day or a week and see how much clearer your mind feels!
Love and Gratitude,
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Silencing Social Media
social media,
super Jace,
Thursday, December 5, 2013
37 Gifts
*If you're looking for Operation Love, the blog, item list and details are found here.
Today, 37 years ago I became a part of this world. I was born with no idea who my family was, but I had a PROMISE bigger than I even knew.
Our circumstances DO NOT have to be our future.
Two years ago, I asked you to donate to an adoption organization. (Yes, I had another blog before OTWG. So, if you're bored you can read blogs, there, too.)
Last year, I asked you to join me in 36 Random Acts of Kindness and I had, hands-down, THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! You can read about it and see photos here.
Today, in lieu of getting anything for myself, instead of the 100 Facebook messages or texts, I, again, challenge YOU.
Instead of doing that, do THIS:
Use your time and energy doing something for someone else. Open the door an extra minute. Pay for someone's food in the fast food or coffee line. Surprise someone with a text message or email. If for no other reason, do it for me, for my birthday. :) Let the celebration be about GIVING.
Your giving doesn't have to be BIG to make a HUGE impact.
Today, I will be seeing a tiny idea and dream come to fruition. Operation Love was born months ago after our own family learned what childhood cancer TRIES to do to families. This project has been tweaked, thought out and discussed with so many, including those that inspired the idea, those that listened every time I talked about it, those that shared ideas of how to help, those that donated items, those that allowed me to speak to groups about our mission, those that are in the same boat we are, those that wanted to help but didn't know how...
Today, I will make a delivery of 37+ "gratitude bags" to Children's Medical Center in Dallas. (You can check Instagram for photos!) Today, someone will receive YOUR donations.
Today, someone will know they are NOT alone.
Last year at 36, I had no idea what the future held nor how it would test our faith, but THIS year I say WATCH me spread the same love, hope and life into others that has been given to me.
Here's to another year of changing the world!
Today, 37 years ago I became a part of this world. I was born with no idea who my family was, but I had a PROMISE bigger than I even knew.
Our circumstances DO NOT have to be our future.
Two years ago, I asked you to donate to an adoption organization. (Yes, I had another blog before OTWG. So, if you're bored you can read blogs, there, too.)
Last year, I asked you to join me in 36 Random Acts of Kindness and I had, hands-down, THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! You can read about it and see photos here.
Today, in lieu of getting anything for myself, instead of the 100 Facebook messages or texts, I, again, challenge YOU.
Instead of doing that, do THIS:
Use your time and energy doing something for someone else. Open the door an extra minute. Pay for someone's food in the fast food or coffee line. Surprise someone with a text message or email. If for no other reason, do it for me, for my birthday. :) Let the celebration be about GIVING.
Your giving doesn't have to be BIG to make a HUGE impact.
Today, I will be seeing a tiny idea and dream come to fruition. Operation Love was born months ago after our own family learned what childhood cancer TRIES to do to families. This project has been tweaked, thought out and discussed with so many, including those that inspired the idea, those that listened every time I talked about it, those that shared ideas of how to help, those that donated items, those that allowed me to speak to groups about our mission, those that are in the same boat we are, those that wanted to help but didn't know how...
Today, I will make a delivery of 37+ "gratitude bags" to Children's Medical Center in Dallas. (You can check Instagram for photos!) Today, someone will receive YOUR donations.
Today, someone will know they are NOT alone.
Last year at 36, I had no idea what the future held nor how it would test our faith, but THIS year I say WATCH me spread the same love, hope and life into others that has been given to me.
Here's to another year of changing the world!
Children's Medical Center,
giving back,
happy birthday,
operation love,
Random Acts of Kindness
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Levels of Gratitude and Thanksgiving
One of the biggest misconceptions is that everyone's gratitude will look the same. That is the biggest downfall of practicing gratitude: comparison.
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to speak with a group of church ladies. When I arrived, I had no idea that they were studying: Lord, Change MY ATTITUDE by James McDonald & Barb Pell
The chapter just happened to be about gratitude.
I love how God works all things together for our good. He even works out the smallest of details and if we are present and conscious enough we won't miss them.
I can vividly take myself back to that moment in the small church that so much resembled the little church I grew up in. Their smiles, their stories, their hearts opened up so much love in my own heart. I was so glad I took my oldest daughter with me. We were able to share our mission of #OperationLove with them and to sit with them during their study of McDonald's book.
My biggest takeaway was this: Our gratitude cannot be compared because we are all on a different level on any given day.
When we look into a mirror we see our own reflection. We do not look exactly like anyone else. We do not think like anyone else. We do not THANK like anyone else.
"Faith grows in the soil of gratitude."
Earlier today on https://www.facebook.com/40daysofthankfulness I posted this photo:
This level of thankfulness is what we all want to achieve but just like we cannot go from kindergarten to college we cannot easily be thankful for the bad.
It's easy to be thankful for the good. To be thankful IN the bad, THAT is what we all need to strive for daily.
Some of us are on the "kindergarten" level of thankfulness. We are thankful when the good stuff happens, when it's Thanksgiving Day/Week, when we are reminded by others to be thankful for what we have, but mostly the feeling just isn't always there and we fall into complaint more often than we'd like to admit.
Others of us are on the "high school" level of thankfulness. We are thankful and can make the choice to be thankful. We also can always find something to be thankful for, but in the bad times we are, typically, tripped up and fall back into the "why me?" state of mind.
To experience pure joy, we have to reach the collegiate level of thankfulness. "To give thanks always for all things." That's the goal. To be able to be thankful even in the bad things, even in the things you wouldn't choose - that's where the joy is.
I'm often told "This isn't as easy as I thought. How do I find gratitude now? I just can't be where you are. I just don't know how you are being thankful while cancer is changing your life."
Granted, I've had lots of practice.
If you took time to read the journals shown here and were able to weed through all of the "boy nonsense," you'd be able to see that I have always tried to see the good in the worst situations. I could look at my life as a journey filled with the worst, but doing that only makes my present worse. As my journals become more recent, my gratitude comes out in full force and is much more apparent. I began seeing what was REALLY important and that put me on a spiritual journey that I'm still growing in.
It did not happen overnight. Nothing ever does. It's all about being consistent. If you aren't good with consistent healthy eating, working out, spending, or prayer, then you can bet your consistency with gratitude will also need some work.
You didn't graduate from kindergarten and immediately graduate from high school. You had a lot of work, practice and consistent accountability first. The same thing has to happen with your gratitude.
Leave a journal by YOUR bed, leave a sticky note pad, keep a stack of 3 x 5 cards and every night before bed write down ONE thing you're thankful for EVERY night. That alone will take you to a new level of gratitude and change your attitude.
If someone were to be able to see your thoughts, would they mostly see negative, unappreciative, and petty frustrations? Or would they see you being full of praise even during illness, loss, or struggle?
In every moment, ask yourself: AM I CHOOSING THANKFULNESS NOW?
Gratitude isn't something I've "achieved." Gratitude is something I have to consciously choose every second just like the next person. I just know from a lifetime of experience that gratitude will ground you so that even tragic life-changing events cannot tear you down.
And on that note, from my family to yours, we wish you the happiest of Thanksgiving Days filled with joys, laughter, and love even if it's in the midst of loud kids, dirty dishes, or lots of travel.
"The smallest things really are BIG things."
Love & gratitude,
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to speak with a group of church ladies. When I arrived, I had no idea that they were studying: Lord, Change MY ATTITUDE by James McDonald & Barb Pell
The chapter just happened to be about gratitude.
I love how God works all things together for our good. He even works out the smallest of details and if we are present and conscious enough we won't miss them.
I can vividly take myself back to that moment in the small church that so much resembled the little church I grew up in. Their smiles, their stories, their hearts opened up so much love in my own heart. I was so glad I took my oldest daughter with me. We were able to share our mission of #OperationLove with them and to sit with them during their study of McDonald's book.
My biggest takeaway was this: Our gratitude cannot be compared because we are all on a different level on any given day.
When we look into a mirror we see our own reflection. We do not look exactly like anyone else. We do not think like anyone else. We do not THANK like anyone else.
"Faith grows in the soil of gratitude."
Earlier today on https://www.facebook.com/40daysofthankfulness I posted this photo:
This level of thankfulness is what we all want to achieve but just like we cannot go from kindergarten to college we cannot easily be thankful for the bad.
It's easy to be thankful for the good. To be thankful IN the bad, THAT is what we all need to strive for daily.
Some of us are on the "kindergarten" level of thankfulness. We are thankful when the good stuff happens, when it's Thanksgiving Day/Week, when we are reminded by others to be thankful for what we have, but mostly the feeling just isn't always there and we fall into complaint more often than we'd like to admit.
Others of us are on the "high school" level of thankfulness. We are thankful and can make the choice to be thankful. We also can always find something to be thankful for, but in the bad times we are, typically, tripped up and fall back into the "why me?" state of mind.
To experience pure joy, we have to reach the collegiate level of thankfulness. "To give thanks always for all things." That's the goal. To be able to be thankful even in the bad things, even in the things you wouldn't choose - that's where the joy is.
I'm often told "This isn't as easy as I thought. How do I find gratitude now? I just can't be where you are. I just don't know how you are being thankful while cancer is changing your life."
Granted, I've had lots of practice.
If you took time to read the journals shown here and were able to weed through all of the "boy nonsense," you'd be able to see that I have always tried to see the good in the worst situations. I could look at my life as a journey filled with the worst, but doing that only makes my present worse. As my journals become more recent, my gratitude comes out in full force and is much more apparent. I began seeing what was REALLY important and that put me on a spiritual journey that I'm still growing in.
It did not happen overnight. Nothing ever does. It's all about being consistent. If you aren't good with consistent healthy eating, working out, spending, or prayer, then you can bet your consistency with gratitude will also need some work.
You didn't graduate from kindergarten and immediately graduate from high school. You had a lot of work, practice and consistent accountability first. The same thing has to happen with your gratitude.
Leave a journal by YOUR bed, leave a sticky note pad, keep a stack of 3 x 5 cards and every night before bed write down ONE thing you're thankful for EVERY night. That alone will take you to a new level of gratitude and change your attitude.
If someone were to be able to see your thoughts, would they mostly see negative, unappreciative, and petty frustrations? Or would they see you being full of praise even during illness, loss, or struggle?
In every moment, ask yourself: AM I CHOOSING THANKFULNESS NOW?
Gratitude isn't something I've "achieved." Gratitude is something I have to consciously choose every second just like the next person. I just know from a lifetime of experience that gratitude will ground you so that even tragic life-changing events cannot tear you down.
And on that note, from my family to yours, we wish you the happiest of Thanksgiving Days filled with joys, laughter, and love even if it's in the midst of loud kids, dirty dishes, or lots of travel.
"The smallest things really are BIG things."
Love & gratitude,
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Operation Love
Jason and I are proud to introduce a new project we've been working on for a while. After being caregivers to #SuperJace the past few months as he went through intense chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), we realized there wasn't a lot of support for the caregivers (or siblings). After an amazing experience at Camp John Marc and several months of discussion with our clinic nurses, it was evident that caregivers NEED someone speaking love, life, and hope into their days. Especially into their days. The job is, frankly, more exhausting than you can even imagine. Just when you think you might get a break, typically, things just get more difficult or so it seems in the moment.
Jason and I have been so incredibly blessed to have so many people around us from work, church and the community to speak life and victory into our days, especially on the hardest of days. We know not everyone has that support and we want to pay it all forward. Our vision for now is to help those affected by childhood cancer, but this past week God revealed that so many caregivers need this.
I was able to speak with a local Youth Leadership Team and a women's church group, recently. Both have graciously agreed to help us launch our project. We are SO thankful to them! Also, A big thank you to everyone who helped plan this project while we were still in the middle of intense treatment. And to Josh, who continues to help us with his graphical design talent. :)
We are calling it "Operation Love"
Jason and I have been so incredibly blessed to have so many people around us from work, church and the community to speak life and victory into our days, especially on the hardest of days. We know not everyone has that support and we want to pay it all forward. Our vision for now is to help those affected by childhood cancer, but this past week God revealed that so many caregivers need this.
I was able to speak with a local Youth Leadership Team and a women's church group, recently. Both have graciously agreed to help us launch our project. We are SO thankful to them! Also, A big thank you to everyone who helped plan this project while we were still in the middle of intense treatment. And to Josh, who continues to help us with his graphical design talent. :)
We are calling it "Operation Love"
On the Wings of Gratitude’s (www.onthewingsofgratitude.com) mission is to make life easier and more comfortable for families of childhood cancer, to love on families, & speak life, hope and love into their lives. After going through a leukemia diagnosis with our own son, Jace, we realized that their was very little support for the families and siblings during our journey. We also saw a need for continued support outside of the hospital and clinic. With the help of the community, school organizations, church groups, and individual donations, we can empower the families with hope, gratitude, and affirmation that they are not alone in their journey.
What is it?
Chemo Care Kits and Gratitude Bags give people a tangible way to help families affected by childhood cancer and helps to bring awareness of a growing need to not only support the kids, but their families and siblings. The impact of families is much deeper than the cancer, chemo and hospital stays. Items do not have to be expensive to have a great impact.
Here is an example of the postcard we will put in the bags/baskets:
How can YOU help?
Drop off locations will be created so items can be dropped off.
With the help of volunteers, items will be organized in a chemo care kit for families on both Dallas/Legacy Campuses of Children’s Medical Center.
Other items will be organized in smaller “Gratitude Bags” for the families who attend out-patient treatment on both Dallas/Legacy Campuses of Children’s Medical Center.
Item List (You can donate 1 single item or multiple items.)
*Please ensure items are new and packaged. Devices or other expensive items can be donated directly to Tisha or Jason for cleaning or safe keeping before delivery. )
- Purple tissue paper (any shade) for bags
- Purple gift bags (any size)
- Clear or Brown gift bags (any size)
- Rolls of quarters
- Travel size laundry soap
- Laundry bag
- Travel size shampoo & conditioner
- Travel size toothpaste, toothbrush, & mouthwash
- Travel size deodorant
- Chap stick
- Socks for men or women ( or kids)
- Men and/or women razors
- Nail Clippers, nail file, nail polish remover
- Q tips
- Cotton balls
- Ponytail holders
- Socks or slippers
- Blankets
- Water bottles (small)
- Granola bars
- Fruit snacks
- Chips
- Popcorn
- Candy
- Hot chocolate packets with a mug
- Instant items for microwave cooking
- Travel speakers or headphones
- Thank you cards & pens/markers
- Envelopes & stamps
- Packs of paper, stationary or construction paper
- Scotch tape
- Food gift cards, iTunes gift cards, VISA gift cards for gas/toll expenses/parking
- Any extra used IPads/IPhone chargers
- DVDs
- Older iphone, ipad, or ipod devices that can be reset for patient/family use
When and Where?
Current Drop Off Locations/Dates:
- December Drop Off - TBD
- January Drop Off - TBD
- Mailed-In Donations PO Box 6, Celina, Texas 75009
*1st target delivery date is December 5.
*Additional drop off locations will be announced when they become available.
**All advertising for this project needs to be pre-approved by Tisha & Jason Poncio.
For inquiry on advertising, kit contents, or speaking engagements, please contact onthewingsofgratitude@gmail.com.
"The smallest acts of kindness and love can have a giant impact."
Jason and I want to thank you all in advance for your donations. We know that many families will be blessed to know they are not alone and are thought of and prayed for even if they didn't realize it!
So, as you're stocking up on Thanksgiving items, food drive items, or even stocking stuffers, throw in a few of the items listed above and help us love on others!
Big love and gratitude,
Thursday, October 24, 2013
When Your Kids Ask.....
When your kids ask to paint a pumpkin at 9 pm on a school night, say YES and do it WITH enthusiasm.
When your kids ask you to clean the pumpkin & make pumpkin seeds, say YES and do it with enthusiasm.
Even if you're the only one to eat them, remember THESE are the MOMENTS they will remember for a lifetime. Super Jace has taught us to savor each moment, breathe in every second, and put your complaints aside.
They might just be pumpkin seeds to you, but this year for us they are a symbol of family tradition, a reminder that our family is together and they really ARE yummy. :)
Poncio Famly Pumpkin Seeds
*Every year our recipe changes, but this is usually the recipe we start off with.
Bowl of freshly cleaned out pumpkin seeds
A cup of boiling hot water
Garlic Salt
Garlic Powder
Table Salt
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1. After separating out the seeds from the pulp, place seeds in a bowl.
2. Chances are you'll still have pulp, so pour the boiling water over the remaining seeds and pulp. Let sit a few minutes. Preheat oven to 400º
3. Spread seeds on a cookie sheet. ( We use non-stick foil)
4. Drizzle EVOO and give seeds a little stir.
5. Sprinkle the garlic powder and garlic salt over the seeds. Stir.
6. Add a little table salt and black pepper. Stir once more to spread seasoning evenly.
7. Cook for about 20-30 minutes or until golden brown. Keep a close eye on them and stir occasionally.
These are a family favorite and we usually have to clean out several pumpkins for everyone to get their fill. Some of us, (no names) just eat them whole because they taste so good. ;)
Enjoy and savor the taste AND the time with your loved ones!
Saturday, October 5, 2013
40 Days of Thankfulness Challenge 2013
We want to, personally, invite you to join us for our annual thankfulness challenge!
We can tell you from our experiences this year that gratitude can't change your circumstances BUT it CAN change your attitude and teach you to find the light in a dark situation.
You can join via Facebook here: www.facebook.com/40daysofthankfulness
Check the events page or see details below! U can do a personal journal, tweets, Instagram, FB status, or whatever works for you.
We'd love to hear from you about how gratitude has changed YOUR life!
Love & gratitude,
Anywhere: Facebook status, twitter, Instagram, personal journal, notes app, whiteboard, text, email, phone call - whatever works best for you!
**Start October 8, End November 16 **
Every October we join together and challenge ourselves to post, write, or SHARE and DECLARE one gratitude per day. We are on our 6th year and challenge you to invite your entire friends list to join us!
This year is especially a big year for us as #childhoodcancer has changed our family and now we know for sure that grabbing #gratitude can't change your circumstance, but it CAN change your attitude! (You can read about our journey or follow here: www.caringbridge.org/visit/jaceponcio
www.facebook.com/graceforjace )
We will throw in some specific challenges to get you really thinking and will also share some testimonials from those who've seen their lives and perspectives change as they worked through their 40 Days.
40 Days is really about cleansing your mind & heart and detoxing from the negative, toxic thoughts, bitterness, unforgivness of others or ourselves, low self esteem, focusing on lack, or dwelling on mistakes.
If you're ready to GROW to your next level, this will help you jump start! Be ready, be open, be EXPECTING it to change your outlook and your life.
(tag your posts, pictures or tweets with this)
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
10 Minute Hospital Workout
Living healthy is something I've always tried to strive for. Early on, I remember exercising and eating right being a part of my life. My dad use to buy crazy "health" food and I loved it.
It wasn't always easy to be healthy and active because depending on the seasons of my life I would battle myself and my mindset. "I don't have time. I do have time. I can't do this. I can do this." Most of the time the only obstacle I had was myself.
There was a point I was a size 6 (high school AND after baby #2) and there was a point when I was a size 16 (after baby #1). Today, I don't worry as much about what the scale says as much as I do about putting good things in my body and being active daily.
But what if you're a caregiver? What if you find yourself in and out of hospitals? What if you're also juggling a full time job? What if most of your time and energy is given to caring for a sick child?
Moms are busy no matter what, but I can tell you those of us affected by childhood cancer have a lot to juggle.
So why workout?
You KNOW this answer.
You CAN'T take care of others if you don't take care of yourself.
You WILL have more energy.
Your mind set will be more positive.
Your stress level will lower.
You'll be more likely to focus and tackle your day.
Your body, mind and spirit will be more aligned.
You're more likely to eat better when you workout.
We have made it a priority to workout at least 3-5 times a week since Jace was diagnosed. We don't have extra money for expensive gym memberships and so we do things at home like DDP yoga or basketball or just walk the track for an hour.
When we are really short on time, we do this little ten minute workout. We call it our "Hospital Room Workout" because it's all things you can do while passing time at the hospital. We even do it on early clinic days.
If you can, do it TWICE to get your heft pumping!!! :)))
Hospital Room Workout
(for Caregivers)
1 minute down dog
25 crunches
1 min plank or 30 second plank
25 high knees
10 push-ups (adv single leg)
10 squats
15 burpees
1 minute wall sit
30 second calf raises
1 min squat punches
Cat lift/cat arch or upward facing dog
Repeat depending on time. 20 min workout is ideal if short on time.
Live healthy DESPITE your circumstances!!!
childhood cancer,
Living healthy,
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Faces of #ChildhoodCancer
We promised to show you some amazing kids and if you've been following Grace for Jace, you've been seeing our kid spotlights every few days!
As you know, life is super busy and to blog in two different places is truly a miracle. :P
We decided to post our kid spotlights along with their blurb and the place you can learn more about their story!
Ashley was diagnosed with (ALL) #Leukemia in Sept 2007 when she was 3 years old and completed treatment during kindergarten (2009.)
Austin was diagnosed with (ALL) #Leukemia in July 2010 and finished treatment this month!
Jace and Kieran have become "super" friends during their time at the clinic. Kieran is 2 and just one week ahead in the same treatment as Jace. He's one of the sweetest boys we've met and ALWAYS brightens our days. Here's Kieran's story!
Our family met Trent at Dallas Children's in June riding the halls just as you see here!
Trenton was diagnosed on January 2, 2013 with Stage IV, high risk Neuroblastoma (n-mync amp) two weeks before his 1st birthday. Trenton had tumors in his adrenal gland, lymph nodes, bone marrow, and bones.
Trenton is now 20 months old and is NED (no evidence of disease). He's undergone 8 rounds of chemotherapy, 4 surgeries, bone marrow transplant, numerous hospital stays and 12 rounds of radiation.
He has scans the week of September 23rd. Trenton will begin antibody therapy/immunotherapy during October which will last for 6 months.
There's not enough days/weeks in September to spotlight all that are affected by childhood cancer.
Today, we ask for you to pray for a very special family with a very special girl. Phoebe's dad went to HS with Jason.
You'll want to catch up on Phoebe's story here:
We ask that you "adopt" a family and a child every September and that you follow their story, get to know their family and continue to lift them up with love and prayer!
As always.....
In gratitude,
As you know, life is super busy and to blog in two different places is truly a miracle. :P
We decided to post our kid spotlights along with their blurb and the place you can learn more about their story!
Ashley was diagnosed with (ALL) #Leukemia in Sept 2007 when she was 3 years old and completed treatment during kindergarten (2009.)
Austin was diagnosed with (ALL) #Leukemia in July 2010 and finished treatment this month!
This is Karly! She holds a special place in our hearts as we were there in the days cancer changed her family. At 14, she was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma. She's had two reoccurrences since her first treatment and endured several surgeries. Today, she is 19 and stable with 2 spots on her lungs that are not growing. Her phrase is "Keep Calm and Carry On" and that's exactly what she is doing! www.caringbridge.org/visit/karly
Jace and Kieran have become "super" friends during their time at the clinic. Kieran is 2 and just one week ahead in the same treatment as Jace. He's one of the sweetest boys we've met and ALWAYS brightens our days. Here's Kieran's story!
Trenton was diagnosed on January 2, 2013 with Stage IV, high risk Neuroblastoma (n-mync amp) two weeks before his 1st birthday. Trenton had tumors in his adrenal gland, lymph nodes, bone marrow, and bones.
Trenton is now 20 months old and is NED (no evidence of disease). He's undergone 8 rounds of chemotherapy, 4 surgeries, bone marrow transplant, numerous hospital stays and 12 rounds of radiation.
He has scans the week of September 23rd. Trenton will begin antibody therapy/immunotherapy during October which will last for 6 months.
Please follow Trenton's story here:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Team-TRENT/524873370878641?ref=br_tf
There's not enough days/weeks in September to spotlight all that are affected by childhood cancer.
Today, we ask for you to pray for a very special family with a very special girl. Phoebe's dad went to HS with Jason.
You'll want to catch up on Phoebe's story here:
We ask that you "adopt" a family and a child every September and that you follow their story, get to know their family and continue to lift them up with love and prayer!
As always.....
In gratitude,
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Where Do We Belong
If we aren't at home or at the clinic, we often feel left out, out of the loop, or just not part of a group. We feel the stares when we are out or feel that some just are more wrapped up in themselves than to even think about what we are dealing with daily.
It's hard to explain, but it's more difficult as each day passes to feel worlds apart from those around us.
Here are a few thoughts I had one day after going into Toys R Us with Jace, but it applies to many places we go daily:
it's a lonely place from where i stand
your stares are silent yet drown out the rumble of laughter and noise
are you brave enough to say anything or will your eyes and thoughts be forced to something more joyful?
it's too sad for you, yet it's my everyday.
your presence is faded and your absence says more than you ever could.
I know we are not the only parents who feel this, whose lives have changed, and who are different people than the ones who started this journey.
It's for that reason alone I write about our perspective.
Monday, September 2, 2013
I Call Myself a Warrior :)
If this is the first time you've stopped by, welcome. Originally, this blog was started to chronicle all the lessons I've learned in gratitude. But since my son, Jace's, diagnosis of leukemia in January 2013, I haven't had any time to actually blog about much of anything else and spend most of my time blogging here, posting here, or capturing our life here.
You can go back and read posts about isolation, an amazing night out with New Kids on the Block, and my best birthday EVA! You can go back even further and find out more about why I started On the Wings of Gratitude and why I want to, eventually, write a book about how to be grateful no matter which struggles come your way (death, adoption, divorce, addiction, cancer).
I've always been pretty open about my life experiences, but the spotlight that cancer put us in just about tops them all. We now have a platform to speak from and are more than passionate about how cancer affects and changes families just like us.
We've decided to use this space for the month of September to spotlight some of the awesome and heroic families and kids we've met along this journey.
As you may know September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month and we vow to remind everyone we meet that even though it's difficult for them to process, cancer doesn't discriminate young, old, rich, poor, big, little. We don't just want you to be aware that it's happening. We want you to be aware how it's changing people, families and lives. We want you to care enough to not look away.
So, get your heart ready to meet some of the world's biggest heroes!
Tonight, I thought I'd give a little humor insight into our lives. This story isn't typically something I'd share on our caring bridge site and so I thought it would be best to share here.
Thursday started off good enough. The kids got off to school and Jace woke up feeling good. He took his medicines without much of a fight and, eventually, started eating like a champ. Hummus was his food of choice. With a spoon.
I had a meeting I had to be at that morning and so our sweet friend, Jen, stayed with Jace for a few minutes and played trains. (Note: If you want Jace to be your BFF, just play trains or cars with him and you'll have his heart for life.)
After the meeting, I tried my best to get him to rest, but because he is Super Jace (he says "That's why I'm Super Jace!") he wanted to run around and wrestle. Yes, even after having chemo the day before.
The time came when we had to load up and drive the short distance to pick up his big sister. Normally, this distance wouldn't be a big deal. It's truly not THAT far, but add in "soccer mom" traffic, construction that goes for miles, and a detour to just get to the school and it's a recipe for a disaster.
About 5 minutes into our journey, Jace says "My stomach hurts BAD!" and tears followed.
Great. Do I turn around? Do I keep going? This so wasn't in my plan.
I kept going. I soon found myself in the car pick up line with my seat belt off, holding my sweet boy who was still crying, and trying to juggle the throw up bucket (aka a cut up milk jug) all while trying to maneuver the car around the pick up trail.
Finally, we were through the line and parked so we could regroup for the next 1/2 of the trip home. Jace is still saying his stomach hurts and his sister is doing everything possible to soothe him as we bump along the road.
Just when I think we are in the clear, we drive up into the garage and get out.
Yep. We made it, but not without the throw up bucket getting used. :)
Everyone needed some baths, new changes of clothes and some time to rest. Thankfully, oldest sister got a ride home from her dance practice.
Soon, I found myself on the phone for several hours trying to sort some small "dramas" out. In the middle of all of that, I learned hubby would be working until midnight and before I knew it, it was already 10 pm!
Finally, everyone was in bed and I was exhausted. Definitely harder than a full day at work. As I took a moment to finally breathe, I saw a small shadow beside me and then heard a tiny voice say:
"Mom, I'm hungry."
Yep. I forgot to feed the kids DINNER.
This is just a reminder out there to all of you that trick yourself into thinking I have it altogether.
Days later, I can tell you that even in the moments of that day and the large amounts of stress I felt coming at me in all directions, the bigger picture was that we all make mistakes, we all have a lot going on, no one is perfect, we all are doing the best we can, and tomorrow is another day!
As moms, it's easy to fall into the traps of lies we tell ourselves or into the "mom competition" that is written in invisible ink.
We need to remember this:
The most important things in life are the moments we get to spend with those we love no matter what obstacles come our way throughout the day.
You can go back and read posts about isolation, an amazing night out with New Kids on the Block, and my best birthday EVA! You can go back even further and find out more about why I started On the Wings of Gratitude and why I want to, eventually, write a book about how to be grateful no matter which struggles come your way (death, adoption, divorce, addiction, cancer).
I've always been pretty open about my life experiences, but the spotlight that cancer put us in just about tops them all. We now have a platform to speak from and are more than passionate about how cancer affects and changes families just like us.

As you may know September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month and we vow to remind everyone we meet that even though it's difficult for them to process, cancer doesn't discriminate young, old, rich, poor, big, little. We don't just want you to be aware that it's happening. We want you to be aware how it's changing people, families and lives. We want you to care enough to not look away.
So, get your heart ready to meet some of the world's biggest heroes!
Tonight, I thought I'd give a little humor insight into our lives. This story isn't typically something I'd share on our caring bridge site and so I thought it would be best to share here.
Thursday started off good enough. The kids got off to school and Jace woke up feeling good. He took his medicines without much of a fight and, eventually, started eating like a champ. Hummus was his food of choice. With a spoon.
I had a meeting I had to be at that morning and so our sweet friend, Jen, stayed with Jace for a few minutes and played trains. (Note: If you want Jace to be your BFF, just play trains or cars with him and you'll have his heart for life.)
After the meeting, I tried my best to get him to rest, but because he is Super Jace (he says "That's why I'm Super Jace!") he wanted to run around and wrestle. Yes, even after having chemo the day before.
The time came when we had to load up and drive the short distance to pick up his big sister. Normally, this distance wouldn't be a big deal. It's truly not THAT far, but add in "soccer mom" traffic, construction that goes for miles, and a detour to just get to the school and it's a recipe for a disaster.
About 5 minutes into our journey, Jace says "My stomach hurts BAD!" and tears followed.
Great. Do I turn around? Do I keep going? This so wasn't in my plan.
I kept going. I soon found myself in the car pick up line with my seat belt off, holding my sweet boy who was still crying, and trying to juggle the throw up bucket (aka a cut up milk jug) all while trying to maneuver the car around the pick up trail.
Finally, we were through the line and parked so we could regroup for the next 1/2 of the trip home. Jace is still saying his stomach hurts and his sister is doing everything possible to soothe him as we bump along the road.
Just when I think we are in the clear, we drive up into the garage and get out.
Yep. We made it, but not without the throw up bucket getting used. :)
Everyone needed some baths, new changes of clothes and some time to rest. Thankfully, oldest sister got a ride home from her dance practice.
Soon, I found myself on the phone for several hours trying to sort some small "dramas" out. In the middle of all of that, I learned hubby would be working until midnight and before I knew it, it was already 10 pm!
Finally, everyone was in bed and I was exhausted. Definitely harder than a full day at work. As I took a moment to finally breathe, I saw a small shadow beside me and then heard a tiny voice say:
"Mom, I'm hungry."
Yep. I forgot to feed the kids DINNER.
This is just a reminder out there to all of you that trick yourself into thinking I have it altogether.
Days later, I can tell you that even in the moments of that day and the large amounts of stress I felt coming at me in all directions, the bigger picture was that we all make mistakes, we all have a lot going on, no one is perfect, we all are doing the best we can, and tomorrow is another day!
As moms, it's easy to fall into the traps of lies we tell ourselves or into the "mom competition" that is written in invisible ink.
We need to remember this:
The most important things in life are the moments we get to spend with those we love no matter what obstacles come our way throughout the day.
In Gratitude,
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