
Friday, September 5, 2014

Indestructible Me

"Keep pretending everything is fine. 
Keep doing the thing that only benefits you. 
One day you'll see you're not in control. 
One day you'll see how you could've been loved." 

God uses storms to cleanse us. Sometimes He has to fiercely work on people to bring them closer to Him. 

I know storm after storm is meant to cleanse me. Some storms are about me and some aren't. But there are days when I often ask "WHY?" and cry out "I'm drowning!

Then, I go back and forth with myself and my circumstances (some public, some not). 


This one phrase humbles me to my knees every single time. 

One day you'll read how He redeemed me, protected me, saved me, and loved me because even after all of the uphill climbs and the many miles, every single time I look back all I see is His complete and authentic love. 

Today, as I was just about to lose sight of trusting and having faith in the unseen, I glanced over at a shirt that was sent to my by Vanessa, owner and creator of RUFFLES  WITH LOVE

She's started a new line for indestructible women and is using her website to tell their stories and inspire women like them. 


I was so honored to be able to wear one of her new shirts. So after a long day at work, I pulled myself off of the couch and slipped it over my head. 

There was something empowering about wearing it. It reminded me how strong I am, how strong I've been, how even on the days I think I'm the weakest, He still guides me and keeps His armor around me no matter what chaos, selfishness, drama, negativity, or criticism is swirling around me. 

Circumstances still haven't destroyed me. 

And they won't. 

Still running my race. 
Focused on the goal. 
Anchored in Him. 

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