
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Reckless, Fearless, Courageous


It's one of my favorite words. I even used it to name the sweet middle child. And her faith - it's like she was drenched in deep, genuine faith. 

Since I can remember I've always had faith. Some of my darkest days were lit up by a twinkle of faith, hope. . . .

These days faith is a decision we have to make over and over and over daily. 

On day 1 of this cancer journey, we started off strong. We believed. We prayed prayers of victory. Then, the journey got longer and looking back we know that our foundation of faith was the only thing getting us through. We did a lot of work in turning over the small things to God so we knew that turning over the bigger things would work out, too. 

We are in the middle of this long marathon. Day 485 to be exact. The longer you are in a storm the harder it is to stay on course even when you know your consistency is what will help you prevail. 

Today, on day 485, I can tell you that post traumatic stress is real. (

Today, on day 485, I can tell you that  I have had many more valleys than I expected. 

Today, on day 485, I can tell you that I have to decide daily to lean on faith and not sight. 

Today, on day 485, I can tell you that our walk in faith is not easy. 

Today, on day 485, I can tell you that we are grateful still. 

Today, on day 485, I can tell you that I'm vowing to myself to have a reckless, fearless, courageous faith every single day that I wake up - no matter what tries to knock me down. 

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