
Monday, March 31, 2014

No Make Up Selfie Misses the Mark

Disclaimer: This is my opinion and only that. I've always, always, always been of the thought to DO something (I'm a do-er) in order to help. 

The No-Makeup Selfies for Cancer Awareness on social media: 


You know I'm about awareness, but with the follow up that TOGETHER we will DO SOMETHING. 

I read this article today and thought it was pretty eye opening. 

And here's one from TIME that you should read to see how it all got started. 

I really didn't think much of it until they started appearing more often. 

I think many times we miss the mark when it comes to awareness. Unfortunately, social media oftentimes HELPS us miss the mark, don't you think?

Based on several of my talks with audiences of all ages, pretty much every single person has been affected by cancer and is aware of its devastation already. Many of us who are living in the awareness everyday are also trying to do something to help those just like us. 

If you aren't sure WHAT to do, ASK us. There are a lot of ways to help create a wave of awareness. If you're not sure if your money or donations are actually HELPING cancer patients, ASK. Most of us are in the know of the BEST ways to help and which organizations are going to truly to use the money/donations for those affected. 

In 26 days, we will walk/run with Super Jace and try to raise money to give back to the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, our home away from home aka "the clinic." Our goal was $2,000. We have $50. We are attending the event whole-heartedly no matter how much we raise because when given the opportunity we will ALWAYS be all in to help the cancer community. 

Is this about money? No. Is this about awareness? Yes. Is this about actually helping REAL people in a REAL struggle? Yes. Do I know that even your $1 donation will go DIRECTLY to the place that has helped us for the last 15 months? Yes. Should you pick and choose the right way to help that works for you? Yes. 

Do I think posting selfies is the same level of brave as those I know who have fought? 
Not. At. All. 


Team Super Jace - Red Balloon Run & Ride, April 26, 2014

always in love and gratitude,

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