That smile = HAPPY.
In honor of International Happiness Day and the beginning of SPRING, we decided to blog a little HAPPY for YOU! :)
This week has been a good one! Jace is feeling good. His counts are as "high as a rainbow." (his words) We have some great things to look forward to in the future.
We may not have told you, but Jace was selected as the Honorary Hero for the Silver Dollar at the Ranch event. This event benefits pediatric cancer initiatives. Jace was selected back in November, but most of the events will take place in May.
We are looking forward to a little baseball game and the event in May and the possibility of joining our Silver Dollar friends possibly on a local morning show. :)
Here's the ad that will show in the Frisco Style magazine soon. If you'd like to join us and purchase tickets, please visit:
We also have had a few articles out in the newspapers. In October, someone contacted us about doing a story on how our hometown has embraced Super Jace during his long road with leukemia. The "Forever Changed" is found below.
October Article:
Forever Changed
Then, recently, we were contacted again. We weren't sure which direction they would take our story, but we were so pleased with the "Paying it Forward" article below. They chose to spotlight our work on Operation Love. You can find out more about this at the top of this page. Click on the Operation Love tab. We are hoping to continue to grow and be able to help caregivers a little at a time.
Surprisingly, today during our clinic visit, we realized that our story was NOT just in our local paper, but ALSO in the Plano paper! Our nurses were so proud! They had a copy and want to frame and hang it! (We love them JUST as much as they were part inspirations for our idea!)
The most recent article can be found below.
March Article:
Paying it Forward
Jace Poncio Benefit
Last month, a group of amazing students and teachers put together a benefit concert, silent auction and meal for us. It was such an amazing night of talent. And, though, we had to leave just a tad earlier than we expected due to a fever and ER visit, we were so incredibly thankful and humbled by the people that were present. A big thank you to all involved with putting the event together.

And last, but not least, this weekend we will be celebrating a birthday. Birthdays are always fun, but around here we do our best to make them as special as the person celebrating! (More on that later!)
Big love & gratitude during your first spring weekend!
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