The last few weeks have been a lot of "finding our new normal." It's definitely not easy. I have written about our journey the past year with Jace, mostly, on his CaringBridge. (You can always visit there if you're scrapped for reading material. HA!)
Now, we don't have much to write about day to day with his treatment. Now, we go from living at the clinic and hospital to being home and doing our normal "stuff."
Cancer and treatment has been a big part of our last year, but the normal stuff keeps us grounded and balanced!
So, here's what we've been up to:
Jace and the girls are back to school after a WONDERFUL holiday. He's been doing a GREAT job lately with just all the normal stuff. Here he is this week showing off his new car aka prize!
Did you need a daily dose of CUTE SMILE?! |
Jason and I have been doing a fast with our church called the Daniel Fast. It's, basically, no meat, no bread, no sugar, nothing processed...Just fruits, veggies, whole grains, and water!
Last year at this time we were in the middle of our fast when Jace was diagnosed. I, firmly, believe that our time of fasting and prayer were instrumental in our ability to be so focused on our faith and the firm foundation to get us through those first few months of leukemia. As hard as it is for me to give up chicken, we always always reap the rewards from not giving into our need for instant gratification.
Since we CAN have popcorn and we eat a LOT of popcorn anyway, I decided we needed to invest in a little popcorn popper. So for about $25 we now enjoy GIANT bowls of popcorn at least twice a day. :) Jace loves watching it shoot into the bowl. I bought this one.
We've also been watching a lot of movies. The crazy weather makes us all just want to curl up on the couch with a warm blanket and a good movie. One movie I've seen lately and LOVE is August: Osage County. So, this family is dsyFUNctional, for sure. And many of the scenes hit me to my core because it's like watching my own life on the big screen. I love how this movie captures the real-ness and messiness of life. Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts are my top pics for an Oscar. Not everyone will love this movie, but I so identify with it and just think the acting is incredible. Note: I do not say that often. :)
On the side, Jason and I sell a couple of great products. What you should know is that I DO NOT like product pushing at all. If I believe in a product, I will definitely tell someone about it. :)
Since the beginning of time I've been obsessed with mascara and long lashes. I think as I get older my lashes are set on getting shorter. I found this great product called Younique 3D Fiber Lashes. It's about $32 and typically lasts 3 months. It WORKS! :)
Jason is part of a new company called ID Life. They have a line of products for energy, sleep, weight loss, and individualized nutrition. They just launched this week and we were able to go to the launch meeting with many of the founding members. We are both super excited to try the products and tell you how they are helping us. We are ALWAYS in need of energy, sleep products and we also drink a lot of protein shakes, especially when we fast. You can click the link above and take a FREE assessment. The assessment gives you results on which vitamins you need to take when and WHY. (aren't we also like 3 year olds? We always want to know the WHY!) Then, they package your vitamins accordingly and ship with YOUR name on them! :) We should have products for sampling soon!
Lastly, in our "free time" you know we are working on our #OPERATIONLOVE project. The past 2 weeks CMS has been collecting donations for us. We will meet with a group this weekend to put the bags together for our next drop off on January 30! We are so excited at how this service project has taken off! We hope to keep the momentum going throughout the year. If you want to donate items, you can always check out our OPERATION LOVE PAGE for details on how YOU can help!
Remember, the smallest acts make the BIGGEST impact! :)
So, that's about it! School, work, work, work we love, more work we love, and slowly finding the new normal for our family! :)
I've always been a fan of normal, but now I DEFINITELY savor the normal (that includes all the MESSY parts of family life, too!)
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