
Saturday, October 5, 2013

40 Days of Thankfulness Challenge 2013

We want to, personally, invite you to join us for our annual thankfulness challenge! 

We can tell you from our experiences this year that gratitude can't change your circumstances BUT it CAN change your attitude and teach you to find the light in a dark situation. 

You can join via Facebook here: 
Check the events page or see details below! U can do a personal journal, tweets, Instagram, FB status, or whatever works for you. 

We'd love to hear from you about how gratitude has changed YOUR life! 

Love & gratitude, 

  • Anywhere: Facebook status, twitter, Instagram, personal journal, notes app, whiteboard, text, email, phone call - whatever works best for you!

  • **Start October 8, End November 16 **

    Every October we join together and challenge ourselves to post, write, or SHARE and DECLARE one gratitude per day. We are on our 6th year and challenge you to invite your entire friends list to join us!

    This year is especially a big year for us as #childhoodcancer has changed our family and now we know for sure that grabbing #gratitude can't change your circumstance, but it CAN change your attitude! (You can read about our journey or follow here:

    We will throw in some specific challenges to get you really thinking and will also share some testimonials from those who've seen their lives and perspectives change as they worked through their 40 Days. 

    40 Days is really about cleansing your mind & heart and detoxing from the negative, toxic thoughts, bitterness, unforgivness of others or ourselves, low self esteem, focusing on lack, or dwelling on mistakes.

    If you're ready to GROW to your next level, this will help you jump start! Be ready, be open, be EXPECTING it to change your outlook and your life. 

    (tag your posts, pictures or tweets with this) 

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to reflecting on all the things in my life I have to be thankful for. Thank you for hosting this challenge!
