
Monday, January 28, 2013

For His Glory

You never expect to hear words that will forever change your life, but we all have them said to us at different times and for different reasons. 

In the wee hours Sunday morning, we learned that our sweet almost 3 year old has leukemia. 

If you know me, or this blog, you know I believe in gratitude and just as much I believe in prayer and in God's healing power. 

Many times we do not understand the "why," but even in hindsight of my own life, I know that He works ALL situations for GOOD. He can take ANY SITUATION around and turn it into an amazing thing. 

I praise him always and in ALL WAYS. Even now when I find myself in an unknown place. 
I know I'm not alone. I know that God will use this situation, as well, to show HIS GLORY and HIS MIRACLES. 

Our job is always to BELIEVE, so that's what I'm doing. Always. 

Jace's Facebook page: Grace for Jace:

Jace's favorite song and our new theme song:


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why Fast? The Daniel Fast

Over the past week, hubby and I have been preparing for our annual Daniel Fast. This is something we do with our church each January. Each time we do it, I feel more focused and clear headed. It's like everything else you do in life. If you  aren't all in with a purpose, then you won't really get a lot out of it. 

Here are some resources for you if you are not familiar with the Daniel Fast: 

Daniel Fast from Just Everyday Me 
Daniel Fast Resources from Elevate Life Church 
Google - You can find out more info with a quick search for "the daniel fast" 

So, how do people react when your doing the fast? 

Well, I, personally, find their reactions mixed. A little judgement thrown in with confusion and silence. I guess it is a little intimidating, right? Their reactions prompted me to be really thoughtful about why I'm fasting and be able to communicate that better to them. 

People don't workout, they don't set aside specific time to pray, & they are not conscious of what they are eating. They are letting work, children, and other obligations rule them instead of vice versa. By rule, I don't mean controlling, I mean leading.

And then people wonder why they don't feel closer to God and why things aren't more clear more often. 

For the past week, we have prepped ourselves for the 21 day journey. I stopped having bread and caffeine in order to be ready for today, day 1 of the fast. 

This will be our 3rd year to fast. We both have specific purpose and prayers during the 21 days. Let's face it. I need to let go of more than a few pounds or fried foods. I need to be more conscious. I need to draw closer to God and work through those things I've held on to for years. I need to be more disciplined in my prayer and study. I need to surround myself less with anger, bitterness, the judgement of others. And even if I'm placed in those situations, I need to learn how to be more graceful and loving. 

Each year I gain insight and clarity about something I've held on to for far too long. My marriage is better, my relationships are better, my love is better, my opportunities seem to increase and my leadership grows. 

The fast, for me, isn't about what I  can gain from God, but gives me a clearer understanding of what I can do for Him.

In Gratitude,